1. loreal voluminous- i swear i have tried 95% of mascaras out there and nothing works better than this. it gives you long lush lashes that never flake!
2. make-up forever undereye concealer- i have genetically dark circles around my eyes and this stuff is thick enough to last all day but still look fresh and not cakey.
3. benefit bronzer- my friend turned me onto this when she basically attacked me with a brush when she noticed i was looking a bit to pale. its just the right colour if your really fair.
4. benefit throb blush- so pink and so pretty , i dont think i need to say more
5. cover girl liquid liner/ Mac liquid last liner- both of these are really easy to apply and last forever.
6. Burt's bee- i never wear lip gloss and rarely wear lipstick so this tingly moisturizing lip balm is perfect
7.vaseline cocoa butter oil gel- its incredibly moisturizing and smells delicious, it also leaves a sheen on your skin thats never too oily
8. vive pro- i have really coarse hair and this leaves it really soft
9. Kerstase hair serum- this little bottle is worth every penny it leaves your hair soft and shiny.
10. Revlon red- it used to be called cherries in the snow and a few months ago i almost had a heart attack when it wasn't on the shelf! its the most perfect shade of red!
11. DKNY be delicious- really fresh and young and never gives me a headache so it works for me!
12. Neutrogena sunscreen- it drys dry so its easy to apply make up on top right after.
13. Cetaphil clenser- i have tried everything but i always turn back to this. i've never had bad acne so all i really need it to be clean
P.S. i rarely wear all these products at once my regular wear is just concealer, mascara, and sunscreen.